Two Years and waiting…hopefully not much longer.

Two years ago today I was sitting in the same chair, typing on the same laptop, praying over the “send” button as we sent off our adoption application.  It was a special day.  One our party of 6 will not forget.  We were energized by that leap of faith we were taking and eager to see God reveal the story He had for us.

You’ve followed and supported us in the in-between which has been evidence of God’s hand in all of this.  Our hearts are not the same as we have journeyed through the last 2 years.   Waiting is hard but so so good.  In a long and drawn out process like adoption the only place to turn when the waiting is taking its toll, is to Jesus.  I’ve learned this.  Jay’s learned this.  Our kids have learned this.  I’m not saying we’ve done this well but there is evidence that we have grown deeper roots through waiting on the Lord.  Our kids have learned to pray in a way that reveals their changed hearts for the lost and especially for this little brother who they can not wait to love and live life with.  We didn’t foresee this happening in our kids but we are grateful.

Waiting changes perspective.  On some days when I felt fed up with the waiting, my perspective was focused on what I didn’t have or wasn’t getting at the time.

“I just want to know if he’s OK” or “Why aren’t we hearing anything from Burundi?”

These were usually tantrum days for me and I never felt any better on those days. Surprise. Surprise. Clearly I am a slow learner…and a big baby…and sometimes a brat, which is probably one reason why God is dragging, I mean leading me through the waiting process.

But.  On the days where I chose to look past myself and try to see what the Holy Spirit was doing…wow.  He is so active and so there ALL THE TIME.

When Isaiah says, in chapter 40 verse 31: “…but, they who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”   THIS. This is what happens…for real.  I’m only weary and faint on the days that I am NOT waiting on HIM!  But, here is what I love even more.  If you back up a few verses to verse 28 it says this….

“The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth!  HE does NOT faint or grow weary! HIS understanding is unsearchable!  HE gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might HE increases strength!!!!!”  

Ok- so there aren’t any exclamation points in that passage of the bible BUT when I read that passage my heart can’t help but put lots of exclamation points, smiley faces and praise hands never ending!

My strength is renewed because HE doesn’t grow faint EVER! When I bring my weariness to HIM and posture my heart to wait HE gives power!  I mean…why would I ever do anything other than seek him?   It’s absurd, right?  To try and live depending on myself?  WHY DO I DO THAT?!!  And yet, no matter what, HE makes his power available and that is where we mount up & renew our strength.

Praise God.

Now I’m transitioning to an update…I’m pretty sure a good writer wouldn’t tell their readers that they are transitioning but whatev…I never claimed to be a good writer!

Today…we are still eager as we are so very very close to the end of the waiting but also the beginning of a whole lot of changes!

We received, via email, the Decree and Letter of Invitation from Burundi, this morning.  We have applied for our visas which we hope to have back in 10-15 business days.  It looks like, worst-case, we will be leaving the second week of October…maybe the week before but that’s a big maybe since everything seems to take WAY longer than we hope for!   We’d love for you to pray this process along!

Our little fella has been a part of the Mugisha Orphanage in Burundi, Africa, his whole life and when we go to pick him up we would like to bless the children and care takers of the orphanage while we are there.  We are selling t-shirts (cause, well, I’m the t-shirt lady and it only seems fitting) to raise money for the orphanage.  We plan to take 100% of the funds raised to purchase items that the orphanage needs, in the country of Burundi.  This will benefit the country and the orphanage.  Two pluses!

Check them out!

T-shirt FRONT + back

We will only be taking orders for the next two weeks.  

We would LOVE to see those of you who have supported us all along in an adoption t-shirt!!!  Just imagine what our little guy will think when he see’s ya’all walking around with HIS t-shirt on!  He will be blessed for years to come cause you will want to wear this soft and awesome shirt all the time!  And we hope those of you who will be there to great us at the airport will be wearing these when we arrive home!

Thanks again for all your support!  We couldn’t do this without you!

Jay & Heather